Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Your Online Business: A Method for Strengthening Your Levels of Motivation

I found an article aptly entitled "Motivation Tips - The Five Most Common Initiative Killing Mistakes That Drain Your Motivation Levels" by Anthony D. Carter that I think will possibly be helpful for those of us who are battling to maintain high enough levels of motivation to sustain us in our business ventures. I find it really useful to use ideas like the ones discussed in the article as a springboard for a session of healthy self-evaluation, re-focusing and re-motivating.

If my motivation is flagging somewhat and I feel stuck or distracted I take My Business Plan of Action, quietly study it again to remind myself of where I'm heading, before putting it aside and beginning my self-assessment.

The one non-negotiable condition I lay down for myself is not to become judgemental and self-accusatory because those emotions are not at all helpful. I know it's difficult not to play the self-blame game, but I think that it is simply a knee-jerk reaction designed to short-circuit real self-understanding and the breakthrough we are trying to make.

Try the method for yourself and see if you, like me, are able to go a little deeper into understanding what is holding you back, so that you can get past it to inspire and motivate yourself to even higher levels.

What follows is the full text of the article.

Motivation Tips - The Five Most Common Initiative Killing Mistakes That Drain Your Motivation Levels

  • Waiting: Waiting until the perfect time is a big motivation killer. If you continue to wait until the perfect time you will be disappointed because it will never come. Opportunities will continue to pass you by. Eventually you will give up on your dream and goals altogether.
    Solution: There is no perfect time in the future to start. The time to start is right now. Get going even if you are not sure what to do. You can adjust along the way. Once you began opportunities will began to become apparent to you.

  • Influence: The negative influences of other people will kill your enthusiasm, belief and initiative. If you allow it, negative people will talk you out of pursuing your dream. If seems the very people who have never really accomplished anything themselves are the ones who are the most vocal with reasons why you cannot accomplish your goals.
    Solution: Do not share your aspirations with everyone. People should earn your trust. If they have supported you in the past then they qualify. You want to get encouragement support and honest feedback. So, always give careful consideration to who you share your plans with. When you have the right people in your corner you will be motivated to accomplish lofty objectives.

  • Fear. Fear of failure leads to inaction and hesitation. When you allow fear to gain a foothold in your decision making process you will severely limit your chances for success. We are not motivated when we are too nervous to try.
  • Solution: Even when you feel the fear take action anyway. You will find that the more you take action despite fear then the easier it will be to overcome fear. Each time you fight through fear it will lose it's power over you.

  • Comfort Zone. Your insistence on remaining in your comfort zone destroys your initiative and drive. Your comfort zone is a deceptive killer of dreams. While doing what comes easy on a daily basis, you are allowing your aspirations to fade away into distant memories. Over time your dreams will cease to be important to you. You will lose your desire for them in favor of staying comfortable.
  • Solution: Stretch yourself. Widen your comfort zone. Do activities and task which force you to get better. As you improve your skills you will improve your results. As you get more and more of the desired results that you want then the stronger your motivation will be to continue to stretch yourself. You will come to realize that the rewards lie on the outside of your comfort zone.

  • Weak Motives: Weak motives yield weak and inconsistent results. If you do not truly desire what you are working to have then will discover that you cannot maintain steady motivation. You will start, slow down and then stop. You will not be able to pay the price to hit the goal that you have set for yourself. Weak motives lead to quitting.
  • Solution: Always set goals that matter greatly to you. You gain high degrees of motivation from your strong desire for outcomes that are important to you. The size of your dream determines the level of your motivation. Be sure that your reason is worth the sacrifice and work that you will have to put out in order to obtain what you want. When your motive is strong then your motivation is high.

By: Anthony D. Carter at http://www.motivationkeys.com.

From Anthony D. Carter - a leading expert on motivation.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anthony_D_Carter

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